Megator Sliding Shoe Pump
Sliding Shoe Pumps
Mining Sliding Shoe Pumps
- Single cover access/Easy to Service
- Self Priming
- Dry Running
- High suction lift
- Constant capacity at varying heads
- Low Shear (to prevent emulsification)
Proven Mine Dewatering Technology
- Runs for long periods with a completely dry suction line, without loss of prime or damage to the working parts.
- Super suction handles high lifts and long suction lines, so pumps can be installed in convenient locations.
- Attaching a number of isolated suction lines reduces the need for multiple pumps.
- Maintenance is quick, simple and can be performed underground without disconnecting pipe work.
- Rapid self priming without the need for troublesome footvalves.
- Self compensating for wear prevents frequent stoppages and downtime.
- Eliminates expense, down time and safety concerns fo installing/maintaining electric submersible.
Dolphin Strainer
- Available from 1.5" — 6"
- Always Floats Upright
- Tough, Shock-Proof
- Corrosion Proof
Oil Recovery Units
Recovery Unit Includes:
- Portable Pump Units (2 – 60 gpm)
- 1-1/2" or 2" Alpha Skimmmer
- Electric or Gasoline Drive
- 10 feet of non-floating hose and 30 feet of floating Hose with 3 sets of quick connect fittings
Alpha Skimmer
- Skims Oil and Other Effluents
- Adjustable Intake Weir (for thin or thick layers)
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Optional Screen Kits
- Optional Folding Design For Manways
- Oil Water Separator
- Air, Diesel or Hydraulic Drive
- 2", 3" or 4" Alpha Skimmer
- Stationary Pump Units (up to 265 gpm)