American Marsh 340 Series Double Suction Split Case Pump
Double suction split case pumps are used in a variety of commercial, industrial and municipal applications. The HD series double suction split case pumps feature heavy-duty casings, high-efficiency enclosed impellers, oversized shafts, Thru-Bore line bore and optional metallurgies.
Capacities to: 30,000+ GPM (6,813+ m^3/hr)
Heads to: 550 Feet (168 m)
Temperatures to: 300 F (149 C)
Speed ranges: 1200 to 3600 RPM
- Fully removable rotor assemblies without disturbing piping or driver.
- Standard packed stuffing box or optional American-Marsh Series 810 mechanical seals for both reliability and dependability.
- Modular rotating assemblies feature completely removable and replaceable stuffing boxes.
- Carbon/Si-Carbide/Viton elastomers standard, with other faces and elastomers available.
- Internal seal flush.
- Grease lubricated bearing housing for extended bearing life.
- Available standard in Cast Iron/Bronze fitted or other alloy for application versatility.
- Replaceable wearing components include casing wear rings to maintain peak efficiency.
- Enclosed impeller design, double suction, dynamic balancing and renewable wear rings reduce losses increasing performance and pump life.
- 125 lb. ANSI flange suction/discharge connections. Suction and discharge flanges are casted to 250 psi dimensions. Case working pressures for all HD models is 250 psi.
- Casing has Thru-Bore line bore for ease in maintenance, swapping of rotation and conversion from packed to mechanically sealed.
- Bearings can be serviced and removed without removing rotating assembly from pump. All HD pump models feature bearings with a minimum 100,000 hour design life.